- 新常态大学通用英语 读写教程(第2册) 本丛书由教材上、下两册,练习册上、下两册组成,供非英语专业大一学生第一、第二学期英语课程教材使用。本书以大量口头和书面练习提升英语应用能力;使学生通过大量有效和有意义的阅读拓展视野,帮助形成文明进步的价值观取向;初步养成以英语作为交流工具和思想载体的习惯和能力。每册10个单元共30篇选文,所涉及话题有大学教育、励志心得、工作娱乐、文化探索、人文比较等。
作者:林俊伟 编辑:裴维维 ISBN:978-7-305-16436-1 出版时间:201602 字数:300 定价:39.00 开本:16开 页数:240 装订:平装 版次:1 CIP分类号:2015315601
Unit 1 Text A How to get a great idea Text B How to change your point of view Text C How average people excel Unit 2 Text A Spring Thaw Text B Growing roots Text C What good is a tree Unit 3 Text A The magic of maps Text B Differences I Text C Differences II Unit 4 Text A Camerons speech I Text B Camerons speech II Text C Unit 5 Text A Kingdom of dust I Text B Kingdom of dust II Text C Weather rhymes and reasons Unit 6 Text A The riddle of time I Text B The riddle of time II Text C Circadian rhythms and athletic performance Unit 7 Text A The Chinese theory of leisure I Text B The Chinese theory of leisure II Text C Americans: a definition Unit 8 Text A The dilemma of too much choice Text B Diogenes and Alexander I Text C Diogenes and Alexander II Unit 9 Text A Reminiscences of a white house speechwriter I Text B Reminiscences of a white house speechwriter II Text C Remarks at a white house ceremony honouring national teacher of the year Theresa K Dozier Unit 10 Text A The rage to know Text B Great age of discovery drawing to a close I Text C Great age of discovery drawing to a close II