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国际商贸英语 本书内容大多选自英文原版书籍,部分摘自国内权威图书和资料。内容涉及商务谈判、价格术语、商务单证、信用证、国际结算、审单与偿付以及海运保险等,涵盖了国际贸易的各个流程和阶段。通过对本书的学习,读者能够熟悉专业商贸英语术语,读懂商贸英文文章,掌握国际贸易流程。本书目的在于培养既懂国际商贸专业知识又能熟练运用英语的复合型人才,以适应当前国际化的发展趋势。 本书可用作各类英语院校的英语专业用书,也可以作为相关专业的硕士英语学习教材。
作者:邹勇 编辑:徐芳芳,王抗战0 ISBN:978-7-305-15177-4
出版时间:201506 字数:372 定价:33.00
开本:16开 页数:232 装订:平装
版次:1 CIP分类号:H31  


邹勇,硕士研究生,西南财经大学经贸外语学院教授。致力于国际商务英语教学与科研,出版专著、 主编教材20多部。公开发表学术论文20多篇。 研究方向: 博士研究生的高级商务英语、 MBA 的商务英语课程及专业英语课程、 硕士研究生的商务英语、 金融与银行业务及国际贸易等。


本书内容大多选自英文原版书籍,部分摘自国内权威图书和资料。内容涉及商务谈判、价格术语、商务单证、信用证、国际结算、审单与偿付以及海运保险等,涵盖了国际贸易的各个流程和阶段。通过对本书的学习,读者能够熟悉专业商贸英语术语,读懂商贸英文文章,掌握国际贸易流程。本书目的在于培养既懂国际商贸专业知识又能熟练运用英语的复合型人才,以适应当前国际化的发展趋势。 本书可用作各类英语院校的英语专业用书,也可以作为相关专业的硕士英语学习教材。


Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade ??1
Chapter 2 Introduction to International Trade ????7
2.1 Business Negotiation 7
2.2 General Procedure in Business Negotiation   9
Chapter 3 Trade Terms ??17
3.1 The Roles of Trade Terms  17
3.2 The Interpretation of Incoterms-2010 Rules   18
Chapter 4 Credit Instruments  29
4.1 Characteristics of a Negotiable Instrument    29
4.2 Functions of a Negotiable Instrument  30
4.3 Parties to a Negotiable Instrument   30
Chapter 5 Bill of Exchange  ??35
5.1 Definition and Essentials   35
5.2 Acts of a Bill of Exchange    43
Chapter 6 Promissory Note and Cheque  ??????52
6.1 Promissory Note    52
6.2 Cheque    54
Chapter 7 Remittance  ??58
7.1 Introduction    58
7.2 Application   63
Chapter 8 Collection ??????67
8.1 Introduction   67
8.2 Types of Collection and Procedures  69
8.3 Characteristics, Risks and Bank’s Liabilities   75
8.4 Finance under Documentary Collection    77
Chapter 9 Letter of Credit  ????82
9.1 Introduction   82
9.2 Types of L/C and Procedure    88  
Chapter 10 Bond  96
10.1 Introduction   96
10.2 Types of Bonds and Procedures   98
Chapter 11 Transport Documents  ??106
11.1 Bill of Lading   106
11.2 Other Transport Documents   115
Chapter 12 Cargo Transportation Insurance  ??120
12.1 Perils and Losses  121
12.2 Marine Insurance Clauses   122
12.3 London Insurance Institute Cargo Clauses   125
12.4 Contents of the Insurance Document   127
12.5 Insurance Claim  129
12.6 Marine Insurance Business in China and Insurance Clause in the Contract   131
12.7 Types of Insurance Document  133
Chapter 13 Documents Examination and Reimbursement  ??138
13.1 General Principle  138
13.2 Examining a Draft   139
13.3 Examining a Commercial Invoice  140
13.4 Examining a Certificate of Origin    141
13.5 Examining Marine Insurance Documents    141
13.6 Examining a Bill of Lading   142
13.7 Most Common Discrepancies  143
13.8 Bank’s Common Practice If the Documents Presented Do Not Meet the
Credit Requirement  144
13.9 Payment Refused by the Issuing Bank  145
13.10 Payment and Reimbursement under a Letter of Credit   146
Chapter 14 Export Procedures  150
14.1 Relevant Background information & Summaries  150
14.2 Concluding a Sales Contract   152
14.3 The Letter of Credit  154
14.4 Dispatch & Shipping   157
14.5 The Preparation & Presentation of the Shipping Documents  161
14.6 Negotiating the Shipping Documents Required by the L/C   163
14.7 Dispatching the Shipping Documents to the Issuing Bank for Reimbursement   163
Chapter 15 Business Ethics  ??165
15.1 The Definition of Business Ethics  165
15.2 General Business Ethics   166
15.3 Professional Ethics   167
15.4 International Business Ethics and Ethics of Economic System   171
附录一 全国外经贸行业外销员统考  ??174
附录二 全国外经贸行业外销员统考外贸英语试题  181
附录三 全国外经贸行业外销员统考外贸英语参考答案  ??193