- 大学英文写作第2册 这套英语写作系列教材的编写遵循部颁高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲的精神,努力满足英语专业本科阶段不同年级写作教学的需要,旨在帮助学生在毕业时能够用英语写出高质量的毕业论文。我们希望,写作教学在训练学生的英语书面表达能力的同时,能够培养和提高学生独立从事科研工作所需要的分析和解决问题的能力,为国家经济建设和教育发展输送高质量、高水平的英语人才。
系列名:英语专业写作系列教程 作者:周丹丹 编辑:董颖 ISBN:978-7-305-05095-4 出版时间:200804 字数:383 定价:24 开本:16 页数:306 装订:平装 版次:1 CIP分类号:
Words for the Teacher 1 Keeping a Diary 2 Telling Your Stories 3 Introducing Description 4 Describing a Place 5 Drawing a Portrait 6 Describing Emotions 7 Introducing Comparison 8 Beating the Purpose in Mind 9 Organizing Your Comparison 10 Limiting the Topic and Selecting the Material 11 Introducing Process Analysis 12 Building on a Familiar Topic 13 Making Everything Clear to Your Reader 14 Having Fun with Process Analysis 15 Introducing Definition 16 Exposing the Essence 17 Questioning the Assumptions 18 Introducing Classification 19 Examining It Closely 20 Using a Clear Organization 21 Making a Point 22 Introducing Cause and Effect 23 Thinking Before You Write 24 Taking Steps in Composition 25 Writing Through Your Exam Additional Readings List of Professional and Student Writings Maternal Care, by Lu Qian Not Drunk Enough, by Shi Xiaobo A Box of Matches, by Jiang Min A Pitiful Person, by Qian Xiaoling Slips of Love, by Qian Xiaolin Mr. Sweet, by Alice Walker Description of a Stranger, by Li Shimeng In an Elevator, by E.B. White My Hometown (two drafts), by Chen Zan My Mother, by Jiang Xinyi Taking In and Giving Out: A Description of My Aunt, by Jiang Haoyun Old Maid Grump, by Carole Gaffron A Description of a Statue (two drafts), by Zhou Jianhao The Blast Furnace, by Sally Carrighar The Natural Superiority of Women, by Ashley Montagu Starbucks and a Traditional Cafe, by Zhou Haobo I Love Clothes, by Li Shimeng Reading and Television, from The Plug-In Drug, by Marie Winn The Chinese New Year (first draft), by Pi Xin The Family Reunion Dinner (final draft), by Pi Xin Undercover Discoveries in the World of Fashion, by Andy Rooney The Transaction, by William Zinsser American and Chinese Child-Raising (three drafts), by Mao Xiaochun Modem Courtesy, by Lore Segal... CROAK-A-ROACH KILLS ROACHES DEAD! Dish of Happiness--Ouhe, by Yao Ying Terror at Tinker Creek, by Annie Dillard Writing With Style, by Kurt Vonnegut How to Make a Pair of Speakers (two drafts), by Zhu Jun How to Survive a Hotel Fire, by R.H. Kauffman Life Is Just a...Snapped Tape, by Zhu Xilin How to Write a Personal Letter, by Garrison Keillor Whats a Ms. ? Homesickness, by Lu Qian Chuang Tou Gui, by Qin Xiaoling Hanliu, by Chen Fangya I Want a Wife, by Judy Syfers Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name, by James Lincoln Collier A Good Beginning: The Choice of a Suitable Paddle (two drafts), by Wang Feng Notes on Punctuation, by Lewis Thomas Salutation Displays, by Desmond Morris Ways of Earning Good Marks, by Qin Haihua The Ways of Meeting Oppression, by Martin Luther King, Jr Why Nothing Works, from America Now, by Marvin Harris Why Boys Don t Know What Girls Mean and Girls Think Boys Are Mean, by Deborah Tannen "Learning" to Give Up, by Albert Rosenfeld Fear of Dearth, by Carll Tucker When Television Is a School for Criminals, by Grant Hendricks ……