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托福语境词汇:霜妹与锈孩 本书系梦境英语系列丛书之一。作者以“在语境中学英语”为主旨,将托福历年考试中的3200个核心词汇融合在极富想象力的一部梦境小说之中,素材贯穿五大洲、现实和幻想。在梦想中学英语,在语境中背单词。本书图文并茂地展示了小说主人公霜妹和锈孩的梦幻历险。生动的故事情节激发读者学习英语的兴趣和记忆托福词汇的高效率。
作者:薛扬 编辑:许晓敏 董颖 ISBN:978-7-305-18976-0
出版时间:201708 字数:300 定价:98.00
开本:小16开 页数:280 装订:平装
版次:1 CIP分类号:H313  






Chapter 1:	A connected dream?   梦影相联?
Chapter 2:	The weird couple   古怪夫妇
Chapter 3:	A scary doctor visit   诊所惊魂
Chapter 4:	Tornado clock   龙卷风石钟
Chapter 5:	Planet Stone and creature-man   石星与兽人
Chapter 6:	Life bulb and Stone of Universe   生命之球和“石神”
Chapter 7:	Snake and big-head bee   蟒蛇大头蜂
Chapter 8:	An ambitious company executive   野心总裁
Chapter 9:	Grandpa, a grave robber   盗墓的爷爷
Chapter 10:	The fight between apes and creatures   猿兽之战
Chapter 11:	Stream of consciousness   幽灵之泉
Chapter 12:	In the snake s mind   蟒蛇的光天白日梦
Chapter 13:	The bubbles of light   七彩光泡
Chapter 14:	A fraudulent statement   虚假声明
Chapter 15:	Coin in a restaurant   餐馆的硬币
Chapter 16:	Living Sphinx   狮身人面
Chapter 17:	Into a mysterious island   误入魔岛
Chapter 18:	Time prison   时间监狱
Chapter 19:	Gold rush   淘金热潮
Chapter 20:	Lizard vs. Snake   蜥蜴对阵蟒蛇
Chapter 21:	Secret hideout   秘密藏身
Chapter 22:	Following songbirds   追随百灵鸟
Chapter 23:	To the north   涉足北方
Chapter 24:	Tower leaning again!   斜塔又斜!
Chapter 25:	The sound of fire   大火之声
Chapter 26:	Octopus, what to do…   章鱼, 该咋办…
Chapter 27:	Coughing boat   咳嗽的鬼船
Chapter 28:	Song of waterfall   瀑布幽曲
Chapter 29:	Plant a sunflower when you want me back   种个太阳花, 想我回来时
Chapter 30:	Bye, my mermaid   再见, 我的美人鱼
Chapter 31:	Absurd OJ & notorious cow   荒唐的OJ & 臭名昭著的奶牛
Chapter 32:	The Great Fire   滔天大火
Chapter 33:	Warriors in Water Tower   水塔内的武士
Chapter 34:	D. E. A. T. H.
Chapter 35:	Carnivorous plants hunting   追捕的食人植物
Chapter 36:	Escaping death island   逃离死亡岛
Chapter 37:	Terracotta army is marching   进军的兵马俑
Chapter 38:	Battle based on deception   兵不厌诈
Chapter 39:	Election of "The One"   选举“大王”
Chapter 40:	Secrets of the Great Wall   长城的秘密
Chapter 41:	Bring Frosty home   霜妹回家